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12 things that make every Irish person feel glamorous


1. Taking the gold wrapper off a Ferrero Rocher

The most glamorous chocolate of them all.

ferrero Source: Flickr

2. Taking a taxi to the airport and getting to say, “Dublin Airport, please?” to the taxi driver as if you’re an international person of business

While you fiddle with your phone and tend to important business*.

(* = stalking people on Instagram.)

taxi Source: Flickr

3. Getting the opportunity to wear sunglasses

Even if they cost €9 in Penneys, they still make you feel like someone from the CONTINENT.

giphy (9) Source: katharinehepburn/Tumblr

4. Paying for something by contactless

So sleek, so effortless.

contactless Source: Flickr

5. When you manage to tie your massive woolly scarf in such a way that you look toasty and elegant, but not suffocated

6. When you successfully tie your hair in a “messy bun” that’s actually acceptable to wear outside

It says “I’m so busy that I didn’t have time to wash my hair, but I’m still extremely chic and have already bought my 2016 diary”.

7. Checking your diary to see if you’re free on a certain day

“One sec and I’ll just check my diary.”

*glances through page that’s completely empty except for one day that reads RENT DUE*

“Yep, I’m free. Just had to check because I’m so busy and all.”

8. Someone offering to take your coat

Even if you sheepishly respond, “Oh no, it’s grand” and end up sitting on it for the night.

rack Source: Flickr

9. When you’re washing your hands in a fancy bathroom… And there’s soap and hand cream

I’m so fancy, etc.

giphy (1) Source: televandalist/Tumblr

10. When someone calls you “Miss” or “Sir”

Call me Laura, don’t be silly!


giphy (3) Source: Giphy

11. Getting handed a glass of Prosecco WITH a strawberry in it

Just call me Kate Middleton, tbh.

giphy (4) Source: thechildrenofcambridge/Tumblr

12. Having a seat pre-booked on the train

See also: prattling on about what “carriage” you’re on like you’re in Anna Karenina or something.

giphy (5) Source: Giphy

25 things that give Irish people a mild thrill >

The 17 foods Irish emigrants miss the most >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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